===== Advice ==== Moved from Home page, but nothing has been removed. * [[jargon|Acronyms and Jargon list]] - common terms, simple explanations * [[amateur-alphabet|The Amateurs Alphabet]] - Amateur Radio Jargon Buster * [[whatamateurradio|Amateur Radio: What is it?]] - A simple guide to what Amateur / Ham Radio is * [[hardware:audiointerfaces|Audio Interfaces]] - list of audio interfaces for transceivers * [[bands-and-modes|Bands and Modes]] - a rough guide to what you'll find where * [[battery-advice|Battery Advice]] - member recommendations on batteries for portable use. * [[uk-licence-archive_becoming|Becoming a Radio Amateur]] - How to become a Radio Amateur UK Archive * [[digital_modes_setup|Digital Modes Setup]] - How to setup different components of your station for digital modes * [[dxcodeofconduct|DX Code of Conduct]] - Make every contact a positive experience * [[emcomms:raynet|Emergency Comms]] - Including Raynet * [[emf|EMF Guidance]] - making sense of the new Ofcom EMF requirements * [[oarcfaq|FAQ]] - Discord and OARC FAQs * [[Glossary|Glossary of amateur radio terms]] - a list of some of the terms you will meet in amateur radio * [[hamradiodiscord|Ham Radio Discord]] - Other Ham Radio Related Discord Servers * [[hamnews|Ham Radio News]] Amateur Radio News Feeds (//auto-updated//) * [[health|Health]] - Including Mental Health * [[history:history|Ham Radio History]] - Events and more about Ham Radio History * [[humour:humour|Humour]] - Do not take these pages seriously * [[isssstvgallery|ISS SSTV Gallery]] - club members efforts at capturing SSTV images from ISS * [[leaflet|Leaflet: What on Earth are they doing?]] - SOTA etc Leaflet * [[bookshelf|Members' Bookshelf]] - Reference books (inc. callbooks & radio magazines) * [[members:challenges|Member Challenges]] - Members who are doing self challenges * [[morse:morse|Morse/CW]] - training resources and useful links * [[nationalsocieties|National Societies]] - Amateur Radio National Societies around the world * [[newtoradio|New To Radio]] and what to get to get on air * [[operating_abroad|Operating Abroad]] - read this before packing your radio in your suitcase * [[packet|Packet radio]] - build wide scale low/medium speed networks with amateur gear * [[pi_star_hotspot|Pi-Star Hotspot]] - A guide to set up your Pi-Star as a DMR Hotspot * [[propagation|Propagation]] - Propagation Information * [[radioaccessibility|Radio Accessibility]] - For Radio Amateurs with Disabilities * [[rallies|Rallies and Festivals]] - a list of events across the U.K. * [[radios:start|Radios]] - Directory of current/common radios * [[repeaters|Repeaters]] - Member heard map for Repeaters * [[qsosamples|QSO Samples]] How to make QSOs (//various modes//) * [[software_building|Software Building]] How to build software from source code * [[sotabypublictransport | SOTA By Public Transport]] - Article on software to help with doing SOTA via public Transport * [[sotapersonalequipment|SOTA Personal Equipment]] - advice on protecting yourself during SOTA or similar expeditions * [[weatherstations|Weather Stations]] - setting up your own meteorological station * [[websdr|WebSDR Directory]] - listing of known UK-centric web SDRs * [[winlink|Winlink primer]] - Information on how to get started with Winlink. * [[youtube|Youtube Videos]] - links to amateur radio channels and video resources