====WAOARC Sample CW Contacts====
Here are two forms of CW contact that could be used between OARC members for the purposes of fulfilling the exchange required for [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oM_BRWz7dthm5DzBN0unc2jpMsw0Cf4jbLHbjfee4Mk/mobilebasic#heading=h.pe0iseg5i4lw|WAOARC]]. Your side is in BLUE – their side is in RED.\\
The usual morse prosigns are used, such as AR (end of a message), K/KN (asking for a response), ES for “and” FB and RR (“fine business” and “roger” - you have copied their message properly) – there are other letters you can send too such as QSL, BT ( = ) for a short pause, BK for a quick “back to you” etc. Remember that prosigns are sent with no space between the letters.
===Full WAOARC CW Contact===
QRL? QRL? – Gets everyone’s attention and asks if the frequency is in use - you can send just ?? too if you like\\
CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC DE [your-call] [your-call] [your-call] CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC AR K – Standard CQ call, with K meaning “anyone can respond”. You may want to shorten this, it’s up to you\\
[your-call] DE [their-call] AR KN – Standard reply. The KN means “I want this specific station to respond ONLY” and goes at the end of most messages sent here\\
[their-call] DE [your-call] GM/GA/GE ES THX FOR CALL = UR RST nnn nnn = OP HR IS [your-name] = HW? AR [their-call] DE [your-call] KN – Greeting (depending on time of day) followed by an RST report and then your name. HW? essentially means “did you get all that?”\\
[your-call] DE [their-call] FB ES THX FOR RPT = UR RST nnn nnn = OP HR IS [their-name] = HW? AR [your-call] DE [their-call] KN – confirmation they received you, your report coming in, their name, followed by a “did you get all that?”\\
[their-call] DE [your-call] RR = MY LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx = HW? AR [their-call] DE [your-call] KN – acknowledging their info, followed by your Maidenhead locator (twice, just in case…)\\
[your-call] DE [their-call] RR = MY LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx = HW? AR [your-call] DE [their-call] KN – And an acknowledgment and locator twice from the other side\\
[their-call] DE [your-call] FB ES THX FOR QSO = TU 73 AR [their-call] DE [your-call] SK – a typical goodbye message, then the SK (this is my last message)
[your-call] DE [their-call] = TU 73 ES GD DX AR [your-call] DE [their-call] SK – goodbye message and SK
===Short WAOARC CW Contact===
CQ CQ CQ DE [your-call] [your-call] [your-call] K\\
[your-call] DE [their-call] [their-call] KN\\
[their-call] DE [your-call] UR nnn nnn LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx BK\\
RR UR nnn nnn LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx BK\\
RR TU DE [your-call]\\