**The OARC PBX has been retired. This page remains for posterity** ====== Mitel Phones ====== Instructions on setting up compatible Mitel IP Phones **Note:** Mitel phones can be a bit tricky about working with SIP, and you may need a TFTP server to update the firmware. Some models aren't supported. YMMV ====== Mitel 53XX ====== The Mitel 53XX handsets are pretty utilitarian (ugly) but you might be able to get one for free out of a skip or office clearout. The following setup has been tested on firmware version ===== Switching to SIP mode ===== By default the phones are designed to work with a propietary Mitel system. To get them to work with the OARC PBX you'll need to convert them to SIP mode. We have limited knowledge of these phones so you'll need to search for the process online. ===== Access the Web Interface ===== To get the IP of the phone navigate to ''menu'' > ''admin tools'' > ''network config'' Default credentials are: **Username**: admin\\ **Password**: model number of phone (e.g 5312) ===== Configure Date / Time ===== You can configure the time via the handset by navigating to ''menu'' > ''date'' > ''time'' ===== Configure your Account ===== Use the following screenshot as a guide to setup your phone. Remember to update the extension, displayname and passowdd {{:mitel_setup.png?direct&800|}} {{tag>[sip_config]}}