====== Custom Applications in LinBPQ ====== When you connect to a BPQ32 Node, you may be offered custom applications as well as the standard commands: ABNGDN:G6FJI} BBS CHAT HARS CONNECT BYE INFO NODES PORTS ROUTES USERS MHEARD Here the first three commands are applications defined in the nodes configuration file, bpq32.cfg: APPLICATION 1,BBS,,G6FJI-2,ABIBBS,254 APPLICATION 2,CHAT,,G6FJI-1,ABICHT,254 APPLICATION 3,HARS,C 1 HARS S Applications 1 and 2, BBS and CHAT are standard features in BPQ32; Application 3 is simply a user shortcut: typing ''HARS'' is the same as typing ''C 1 HARS S''. BPQ32 also has a facility to make a TCP connection to a port on the same machine, which allows you to create custom applications within your node. This page describes setting up an application on a Linux system using systemd - I have not seen any documentation to make this work on Windows. ===== 'Hello World' Example Application ===== This example assumes you have a 'standard' BPQ32 installation running on Linux, with Port 1 using RF and Port 2 using Telnet. ==== BPQ32 Configuration ==== First we must add a CMDPORT line to the Telnet Port. The syntax is ''CMDPORT ... '', eg: CMDPORT 63001 63002 Then we add a Node APPLICATION which calls that port. The options used here are: * Application number * Application name * Command to execute * User to connect as APPLICATION 5,HELLO-WORLD,C 2 HOST 0 S,G6FJI The command syntax is ''C(onnect) HOST S''; the S at the end means return to the current session rather than disconnect completely. ==== Custom Application Configuration ==== Our 'Hello World' application is simply a bash script called as a systemd service. Using your editor of choice, create a file 'hello-world.sh' containing this script: #!/bin/bash echo "Hello world" Make the script executable and check you can run it: martinr@UbuMini:~$ chmod +x hello-world.sh martinr@UbuMini:~$ ./hello-world.sh Hello world Now we need to set up the systemd service to call the script. This is in two parts - the socket and the service. First create the socket part with ''sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/hw.socket'' [Unit] Description=Hello World [Socket] ListenStream=63001 Accept=yes [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target The bit that matters here is the port number in the ListenStream must match the CMDPORT you created in the BPQ configuration. Then we need the matching service file: ''sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/hw@.service'' - note the @ in the name. [Unit] Description=Hello World Server [Service] ExecStart=/home/martinr/hello-world.sh StandardInput=socket Here the important parts are the script to run and the line telling it to take standard input from the socket - there won't be a keyboard connected to the service. Reload the systemd configuration and start the service, then test it using netcat: martinr@UbuMini:~$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload martinr@UbuMini:~$ sudo systemctl start hw.socket martinr@UbuMini:~$ nc localhost 63001 Hello world To have the new service run on start up, run this command: martinr@UbuMini:~$ sudo systemctl enable hw.socket Finally restart your node and test: ABNGDN:G6FJI} BBS CHAT HARS HELLO-WORLD CONNECT BYE INFO NODES PORTS ROUTES USERS MHEARD HELLO-WORLD Connected to HELLO-WORLD Hello world Returned to Node ABNGDN:G6FJI ===== References ===== I found these links useful in getting this to work: The official documentation uses inetd and doesn't really explain the significance of the port list in the CMDPORT line:\\ [[https://www.cantab.net/users/john.wiseman/Documents/LinBPQ%20Applications%20Interface.html]] This presentation is quite helpful once you work out the typos and which bits are meant to be there:\\ [[https://www.prinmath.com/ham/talks/BPQ.pdf]] These pages were useful for understanding the systemd services and testing them\\ [[https://www.linux.com/training-tutorials/writing-systemd-services-fun-and-profit/]]\\ [[https://mgdm.net/weblog/systemd-socket-activation/]] Here is a completely separate write-up\\ [[https://labby.co.uk/linbpq-bpq32-linux-add-custom-application/]] Another approach: https://github.com/bradbrownjr/bpq-apps