====== Ordering NinoTNC ====== Click-by-click instructions on placing a component-lny order for NinoTNC. It's simpler and quicker than this implies! Note this does not include microcontroller or PCB- you need to place separate orders for those. - Download and save the BoM file to your computer - this page, under Order the Parts: https://tarpn.net/t/nino-tnc/n9600a/n9600a4r3/n9600a4r3-assembly.html - Navigate to https://www.mouser.co.uk, log in - Clear your shopping basket, if there is anything in it - Under Accounts & Orders, click BOMs - Click Create New BOM - Click Upload My Spreadsheet - Click Next - Click Next - Under "Only include RoHS-compliant products in my results?" select No - Click Process BOM - Check the quantities match those listed in the BOM spreadsheet - Click Add To Basket, setting the multiplier to the number of kits you ordered, then click Add to Basket again - Click View Basket, and ensure everything is "Dispatches Now" under Availability. - Ensure you have 32 rows in your basket. - Click Checkout and pay for your order If anything shows as Back Ordered, please send details to https://groups.io/g/ninotnc