====== Online Amateur Radio Community Wiki ====== You can join the **Online Amateur Radio Community** Discord Server at [[https://www.oarc.uk/join|www.oarc.uk/join]] Welcome to the **Online Amateur Radio Community** Wiki. We are a UK online based community, here to have fun and experiment with and provide training on amateur radio – An Amateur Radio (//Ham Radio//) club providing members Support, Advice, and Community, without Committee. Our community is hosted on the popular Discord platform, that provides 24/7 chat and meeting facilities. This is the Wiki for our community and has extra information on lots of different topics of radio and more. OARC is a [[https://rsgb.org/|RSGB]] affiliated club that was formed on 28th May 2020 during the Coronavirus (//COVID-19//) Pandemic. We have currently over 1,500 registered members registered on our Discord Server. We would ask anyone who would like to join to read our [[constitution|Constitution here]]. Wiki registration is available on our Discord in the Wiki channel. ===== Activities===== * [[calendar|OARC Calendar]] * [[rubberduckpub|The Rubber Duck Pub Night]] - 1st & 3rd Saturday each month is Pub Night * [[oarc-sota-day|OARC SOTA Activity Day 2025]] - 14th June 2025 - Details for this year and reports from 2022-2024 here * [[waoarc2024|Worked All OARC 2024]] - Nets for the Worked All OARC 2024 season * OARC's very own [[flight:adsb|ADS-B Flight Tracking project]] - help feed us data! * [[packet|Packet radio]] - a very active project as we try and rebuild a network and learn about this technology \\ ===== Member Pages ==== * [[repsandleads|Who's Who on Discord]] - Find contact details for the various activities throughout the OARC * [[newmembers|New Member Info]] - New to OARC? Then this is for you. * [[memberships_stats|Membership Stats]] - Simple membership stats from Discord * [[members:members|Member List]] - Added by members themselves * [[members:membersmap|Members Map]] - Added by Members * [[memberarticles|Member Articles]] - DIY guides, tutorials, and member projects * [[pastebin|Pastebin]] - A space for members to paste notes or other text ===== Community Events ===== * [[group-buy-builds|Group Buy Builds]] - Starting with NinoTNC * [[aprs-kit-build|APRS Kit Build]] - Details to follow * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce8e5lSOKhc|OARC - Club Night - An introduction to DMR by Matt 2E0SIP]] * [[maker-show-and-tell|OARC Makers Show and Tell Night]] - Periodic, see page to sign up for talks or just to show interest * [[community_videos|List of Past Videos]] - from Community members * [[JS8-call-net|JS8Call Net night]] - Thursday 28th July 2022 - 20:00 BST ===== Resources ===== * [[clubcalls|Club Callsigns]] - Club Callsigns available for use by members who are Full licensees. * [[advice|Advice]] - Wiki links for Advice now here - If in doubt start a page here * [[directory|A-Z List of Pages]] - complete list of all pages * [[https://rupokify.com/uk-ofcom-callsign-checker/ | UK Callsign Checker]] Tool to search UK Amateur Radio Callsign in the Ofcom Database by Rupok - M7RCF * [[usefullinks|Useful Links]] - all sorts of links for organisations, modes, software etc * [[morse:netprotocol|Slow to Medium Speed CW Net Format]] - the running order and glossary for our Slow to Medium Speed CW Net * [[websdr|Web SDR List]] - A list of web-connected SDRs to listen to the bands on the internet. * [[ideas|Ideas Page]] - A scratchpad for ideas for things to do or that need doing for OARC * [[brickworks|Brickworks]] Member Achievements * [[archive|Archive]] - Move links to pages no longer required on start page or elsewhere * [[sandboxes:sandboxes|Sandboxes]] - Have a play on the wiki * [[syntax|Dokuwiki Formatting]] - How to use Dokuwiki markup language \\ ===== Social Media ===== * [[https://www.oarc.uk/|OARC Home page]] * [[https://log.oarc.uk/|Radio Logbook]] * [[https://twitter.com/m0ouk|Twitter]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4tv7N2B4Gz81iN64mggjJQ|Youtube Channel]] * [[https://www.facebook.com/OnlineAmateurRadioCommunity|Facebook]] * [[https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/online-arc/|Spreadshirt merchandise shop]] * [[https://github.com/Online-Amateur-Radio-Club-M0OUK/OARC/wiki|Wiki on GitHub]] ===== Digital Bridge ===== * Allstar 47920 * D-Star [[http://xlx.bridge.oarc.uk/index.php|Reflector XLX061C Dashboard]] * //Input XRF061AL or DCS061AL into Radio// * DMR [[https://brandmeister.network/?page=lh&jsonquery=%7B%22condition%22%3A%22AND%22%2C%22rules%22%3A%5B%7B%22id%22%3A%22DestinationID%22%2C%22field%22%3A%22DestinationID%22%2C%22type%22%3A%22integer%22%2C%22input%22%3A%22text%22%2C%22operator%22%3A%22equal%22%2C%22value%22%3A%222348479%22%7D%5D%7D|TG 2348479]] Last Heard * Echolink Node 534369 / M0OUK-L * Yaesu System Fusion [[http://ysf.bridge.oarc.uk/index.php|YSF84338 Dashboard]] ===== Training ===== * [[passed|I Passed with OARC]] * [[training|Training Information]] * [[selfeducation|Self Education]] * [[https://www.oarc.uk/callsign-checker|UK Callsign Checker]] ~~NOTOC~~