====== Web SDRs ====== ===== North West England ===== ==== Hack Green, Nantwich ==== Nantwich Secret Nuclear Bunker, formerly R.A.F. Hack Green HF: http://hackgreensdr.org:8901\\ VHF/UHF: http://hackgreensdr.org:8902 ==== Jodrell Bank, nr Manchester ==== Multiple bands on multiple SDRs by G0BXU https://www.g0xbu.co.uk/websdr ==== Oldham, NE Greater Manchester ==== RSP1a connected to a colinear atop Oldham Amateur Radio Club's mast, running on OpenWebRX and managed by Charlotte G8CAP https://sdr.g8cap.uk ==== Chester ==== Lots of bands covering HF-UHF, decoders and bookmarks. Very, very useful! https://openwebrx.soundsofatc.com/ ---- ===== Stafford, Staffs ===== Two separate web SDRs: http://160m.net/ https://160m.net/ ---- ===== Brentwood, Essex ===== Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker (https://secretnuclearbunker.com/) ---- ==== HF Receiver ==== http://sdr.gb0snb.com:8073 The HF receiver is a KiwiSDR coupled with a wideband WellGood Loop receiving antenna. It covers from DC (well, around 5 kHz) to 33 MHz. ==== VHF-SHF Receiver ==== The antenna is currently a Diamond V2000A at 45m above ground (~135m above sea). The bands and frequencies covered are listed below; bands marked with an asterisk (*) may later be configured to have switchable segments within the band. * 6m (50 – 52 MHz) * 4m (70 – 72 MHz) * 2m (144 – 146 MHz) * 70cm (432 – 434 MHz)* * 23cm (1296 – 1298 MHz)* http://vhfsdr.gb0snb.com:8074 ---- ===== Reading, Berkshire ===== OpenWebRX SDR covering 6m, 4m, 2m, 70cm. Location: Sonning, east of Reading, Berkshire. https://sdr.radarc.org ---- ===== Hertfordshire, north of London ===== This WebSDR is using RTL Dongle receivers on all bands, on VHF and UHF the antenna is Diamond V2000. The 4 meter vertical antenna is a Siro CX-4-68 4M, located IO91tp. It is operated by M0XVT and G3VHH. http://sdr.codedv.com:8091/ ---- ===== Goonhilly, Cornwall ===== This WebSDR is hosted at Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall at 50.0524°, -5.1823° (IO70JB). The WebSDR was upgraded in September 2022 for additional amateur bands. * 144-146MHz - 2m turnstile for satellites * 435-437MHz - 70cm turnstile for satellites * 1296-1298MHz - 23cm - 13 element Yagi for tropo monitoring * 2320–2321MHz - 13cm - 21 element Yagi for tropo monitoring https://vhf-goonhilly.batc.org.uk/ ---- ===== Chichester, West Sussex ===== 80m-10m KiwiSDR by G8URE http://g8ure.ddns.net:8074/ ---- ===== Dalgety Bay, nr Edinburgh ===== 2200m-10m KiwiSDR by MM3NDH. Antenna is a Wellbrook active loop. https://websdr.scotlandchat.co.uk/