Early work in progress
Requires: https://github.com/packethacking/bpq-compose + local up to date BPQ instance containing mail
Email address can include hashes on iOS since it is a compliant client!
Hostname: hostname / IP of the box hosting bpqapi
Username: your BBS username, generally a callsign
Password: your BBS password
Use SSL: off
Authentication: password
Outgoing mail server port: 25
Add Mail Account
Your full name: your choice
Email address: callsign@full.home.bbs, with any hash (#) symbols replaced with the word “hash”, e.g. m0lte@gb7rdg.hash42.gbr.euro
Password: your BBS password
Manual configuration → Incoming server
Protocol: IMAP
Hostname: hostname / IP of the box hosting bpqapi
Port: 143
Connection security: none
Authentication method: normal password
Username: your BBS username, generally a callsign
Outgoing server
Hostname: same as previous
Port: 25
Connection security: none
Authentication method: normal password
Username: your BBS username, generally a callsign
Done - accept security warning - Confirm