Amateur Radio Wireless Telegraphy Licence Conditions Booklet OFW611
General notice of decision to vary amateur radio licences
uk_lifetime_licence_2007-02-08.pdf uk-gb2rs-nov-2017-07-10.pdf
UK LIcence 2007-02-08 75500-75875 MHz changed from Primary to Secondary (had applied from 1st Jan)
Amateur Radio (Intermediate) Licence (A) or (B) Terms, Provisions and Limitations Booklet BR68/I Rev 8
Amateur Radio (Foundation) Licence Terms, Provisions and Limitations Booklet BR68/F
Amateur Radio Licence (A) or (A/B) or (B) Terms, Provisions and Limitations Booklet BR68 Rev 9
Amateur Radio Licence (A) or (B) Terms, Provisions and Limitations Booklet BR68 Issue 1 Rev 0
New frequency schedule published by DTI
Home Office - Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 - Amateur Licence B
Home Office - Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 - Amateur Licence A
Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 - Amateur (Sound Mobile) Licence A - Call sign G3xxx/M
Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 - Amateur (Sound) Licence B
Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 - Amateur (Sound) Licence B - Call sign prefix G8
Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949 - Amateur (Sound Mobile) Licence
The Conditions of the Amateur (Sound) Licence - Appendix A
1954 Licence
1954 Amateur TV Licence
1946 Licence
1923 Constructor's Licence for a Receiving Station
1922 Wireless Broadcast Receiving Licence
1907(!) Licence