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1st Autumn OARC Portable Day

17th / 18th September 2022


An opportunity to get outside and play radio before the long nights of winter set in. No restrictions on what counts as portable, do a SOTA, do a HEMA, activate a park or just find a local beach and work some contacts. Log all your contacts in any 12 hour period over the weekend. Anything, any band, any mode, just get out there and use your radio.

Sign up sheet

If you are interested, then please sign up here. Include what you are planning to do (no promises but its nice to know what is planned, who knows, someone might want to join you), when you are going to operate and what sort of operation you are planning to run.

Name/Callsign Place Name Summit / Park / etc. Ref Planned operation (Including Days & Times) Planned Bands (Call freqs) / Modes
M0SMU/P Simon Somewhere in Wales so working as MW0SMU Not known yet I'll be camping in Wales so I hope to have a good setup for all modes / bands. I'll try and find a POTA or a SOTA 2m FM and SSB and HF (10m - 40m) voice and data modes
G5RSD/P Nick Mid Cheshire - Use of field Confirmed! Field - IO83PF Sadly missed Mark's SOTA event - not a SOTA summit this time but hopefully get some OARC contacts and join the fun Operating Saturday 1000 to 1500 BST (ish) 2m FM Voice, HF voice, HF FT8. 2m Yagi, 2m Collinear and Experimentation with Wire HF Antenna
2M0IIG/P Harrison Park, Edinburgh, IO85JW N/A As long as I available time while moving house I’ll pop out for some voice, data, and CW To follow
G0TRT Ciemon SOTA/POTA locations in the South West, IO81JC TBC Hopefully multiple SOTA/POTA locations dependant on the weather etc 40m & 20m CW/SSB, 2m FM
M7APR/P April POTA from IO91CN 2fer from G-0531 and G-0173 Sat in a field somewhere with a good set up for all bands and modes (fingers crossed) 40m & 20m SSB and FT8. 2m FM/SSB as well as Digital modes
M7GET/P Rich Itchingfield, West Sussex 1ry. G/SE-003 Black Down (SOTA); 2ry. G-0446 Warnham Park Country Park (POTA); 3ry. IO91tb +/- ~8km radius Sat AM to early PM; possibly Sun AM; Standing on a hill, hoping for a clear view of windmills offshore Brighton/Worthing on the horizon2m (145.500 MHz) and 70cm (433.500 MHz) FM voice and maybe some imagy stuff (144.500, 432.500 MHz)
M0PWV Philip Chanctonbury Ring, West Sussex G/SE-009 SOTA Activation morning through to early afternoon, earth and space weather dependant 40m-6m SSB, EFHW, possibly 2m FM
DO4HAA Harm Park in Hamburg. From ~10 UTC on DA-0135 JO53BL POTA from DA-0135 15m and 10m SSB, 2m 145.500 FM


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This map shows Autumn OARC Portable Day Locations


Points of Interest
id symbol latitude longitude description
This map shows Autumn OARC Portable Day Locations
1 marker-green 52.943967º -4.568027º

Simon MW0SMU..
Somewhere in Wales so working as MW0SMU

2 marker-gold 55.94º -3.21º

Mark 2M0IIG
Harrison Park, Edinburgh, IO85JW

3 picnic 53.23º -2.711º

Nick G5RSD/P
Mid Cheshire - Use of field Confirmed!

4 marker-blue 51.10º -3.21º

G0TRT Ciemon
SOTA/POTA locations in the South West, IO81JC

5 shelter 51.396861º 0.032520º

Paul M0TZO
This is Test, Ignore
40m, 20m, 10, FT8, SSB

6 walking 51.02988205º -0.39656793º

Rich M7GET
A hill somewhere near Barns Green, West Sussex
2m, 70cm, FM


autumn-oarc-portable-day-2022.1663407986.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/17 09:46 by do7oo