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WAOARC Sample CW Contacts

Here are two forms of CW contact that could be used between OARC members for the purposes of fulfilling the exchange required for WAOARC. Your side is in BLUE – their side is in RED.

The usual morse prosigns are used, such as AR (end of a message), K/KN (asking for a response), ES for “and” FB and RR (“fine business” and “roger” - you have copied their message properly) – there are other letters you can send too such as QSL, BT ( = ) for a short pause, BK for a quick “back to you” etc. Remember that prosigns are sent with no space between the letters.

Full WAOARC CW Contact

VVV VVV VVV – Gets everyone’s attention before you call CQ

CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC DE [your-call] [your-call] [your-call] CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC CQ WAOARC AR K – Standard CQ call, with K meaning “anyone can respond”. You may want to shorten this, it’s up to you

[your-call] DE [their-call] AR KN – Standard reply. The KN means “I want this specific station to respond ONLY” and goes at the end of most messages sent here

[their-call] DE [your-call] GM/GA/GE ES THX FOR CALL = UR RST nnn nnn = OP HR IS [your-name] = HW? AR [their-call] DE [your-call] KN – Greeting (depending on time of day) followed by an RST report and then your name. HW? essentially means “did you get all that?”

[your-call] DE [their-call] FB ES THX FOR RPT = UR RST nnn nnn = OP HR IS [their-name] = HW? AR [your-call] DE [their-call] KN – confirmation they received you, your report coming in, their name, followed by a “did you get all that?”

[their-call] DE [your-call] RR = MY LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx = HW? AR [their-call] DE [your-call] KN – acknowledging their info, followed by your Maidenhead locator (twice, just in case…)

[your-call] DE [their-call] RR = MY LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx = HW? AR [your-call] DE [their-call] KN – And an acknowledgment and locator twice from the other side

[their-call] DE [your-call] FB ES THX FOR QSO = TU 73 = SK [their-call] DE [your-call] KN – a typical goodbye message, then the SK (this is my last message)

[your-call] DE [their-call] = TU 73 ES GD DX = SK [your-call] DE [their-call] – goodbye message and SK

Short WAOARC CW Contact

CQ CQ CQ DE [your-call] [your-call] [your-call] K
[your-call] DE [their-call] [their-call] KN
[their-call] DE [your-call] UR nnn nnn LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx BK
RR UR nnn nnn LOC xxxxxx xxxxxx BK
RR TU DE [your-call]

cwcontacts.1654955160.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/11 13:46 by 2e0gqc