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Antenna calculators
Moxon 2m Final lengths of copper 15mm pipe were:
1 x 707mm
2 x 352mm
2 x 132mm
2 x 74mm
(Plus four 15mm corners)
Tuning Gap 45mm
Feedpoint gap 2mm
Coax connected via 4mm brass screws, via a tapped hole in the copper and wood underneath, which makes the connection on the front side solid Note, it wasn’t an exact science and it isn’t perfect, actual 1.0SWR is at 142mhz not 144.5 — but since it’s at 1.1 at 144.5 I am fine with it Wooden dowel rod, cut to the exact length that it fits to leave the 45mm gap All parts shrunk including long part of radiator
RG58 coax pictures
Left is rg58 milspec from Nevada Radio I believe. Right is cheap stuff from Amazon (£10 for 30m). Is be interested to hear what people think of the cheap stuff
On a different tack I came across this on qrz and thought it would be useful info to anyone using a VNA. First the data from measuring a 50 Ohm dummy load as a reference point..
- LogMag ——————————————— 10dB / -30.6 dB
- Phase ———————————————— 90degrees / -1.786 degrees
- Delay ———————————————— 1000p / signal varying between -1.3ns and 0.966ps
- Smith ———————————————— 1.0FS 47.1Ohms 700nF
- SWR ————————————————- presents 1.06 the ratio part of vswr.
- Polar ————————————————- 1.0 FS -0.029 -0.029j (again means nothing to me)
- Linear ———————————————— 125m / 0.029
- Real ————————————————– 250m / 0.029
- Imag ————————————————- 250m / 0.000j
- Resistance —————————————– 100 / 47.1 ohms
- Reactance —————————————— X 100 / -64.7 mOhms
Information explained
Many of these options show the same information in slightly different ways. When you are making One port measurements. (Using just one connector of the VNA), Some of the parameters are not very useful. The first number before the slash/ is the scale so the first one is 10dB per vertical division.
1. LogMag means that you are taking a return loss measurement. You only have the magnitude and it will report the value in dB scale. This is not a vector measurement by itself. Return loss is really just another way to look at VSWR. The reflected signal energy is lower if the match to the transmission line is good. If you are interested you can look up conversion between return loss and VSWR. It really is just the same thing with different units.
2. Phase. If you combine this with the Log mag measurement then you will have a vector measurement. You will know how much the reflected energy is reduced from the LogMag and you will know what angle the reflected signal is relative to the forward signal. You can convert this vector measurement magnitude and phase to the other ones if you wish by math transformations.
3. Delay. This is normally used for a two port measurement, but it really is another way to look at the delay if using a one port measurement. Not really meaningful and prone to errors for one port measurements.
4. Smith Chart. Just a visual way to look at complex impedance measurement. Same info as from LogMag and Phase. If you like it use it. If not use one of the others. 5. SWR. I think you get this one. 6. Polar. Just another way to visualize the magnitude and phase. 7. Linear. This is just the normalized magnitude of the reflected signal but in linear units instead of log (dB) 8. Real. This is the normalized resistive part of the impedance measurement. 9. Imag. This is the normalized imaginary or reactive part of the impedance measurement. 10. Resistance. This is probably the thing that is easiest to understand. This is the un-normalized real resistance of the impedance.
TOM M0LTE Packet over HF
HF Packet, based on a working Windows digimodes setup.
1. download
2. install. Start. Allow firewall exceptions if any pop up. (might not be necessary)
3. settings → devices → audio input/output as per WSJT-X
4. settings → devices → select PTT port (it uses CTS/RTS PTT, not CAT)
5. main window, select AFSK AX.25 300bd
6. download
7. install, run
8. settings → station setup → Terminal Callsign: your call
9. Follow any prompts to restart EasyTerm
10. Start EasyTerm, click Connect, set CallFrom to your call, CallTo your QSO partner. Click Connect. Radio will key up.
ugh, can't find any quick instructions for soundmodem packet on Linux to point you at right now. Boils down to: install a soundcard TNC, e.g. Dire Wolf, enable its KISS interface, and connect a KISS terminal to it, e.g.
FreeDV setup
- Take a setup that successfully runs FT8
- Close WSJT-X, download and install FreeDV
- Plug in additional audio interface, the one your plan to speak and listen through, if needed
- In FreeDV, choose the two audio interfaces- the one going to/from your radio and the one going to/from your headset
- Also in FreeDV, set up your PTT method (same as in WSJT-X)
- Operate there’s a PTT button in the UI, that’s how you switch between transmit / receive.
- There are a few submodes- the high numbered sub modes refer to the bandwidth taken and therefore the quality. Less resilience with wider sub modes of course.
Older rigs for FT8
IC211/251/271/275/260/290, FT480, TS700/711, TR751, TM251, FT221/225 They will do it, but the older ones use relays which wouldn’t be too good. I think the more mobile type radios are more likely to be PIN diode based. I don’t remember my TS711 making much noise in changeover, but it is 30 years ago.
The Icom 251 and the 211 are pin diode switched. You could add the Bartram board that added proper relays Older rigs do FT8 via the mic connector and often have PTT output somewhere on the back panel
Check noise level by M0LTE
IPO on (preamp off)
ATT off
RF gain max
AGC on
Tune to a gap, read the S meter
For what it’s worth the G5RV isn’t really rated that highly nowadays
It was originally designed as a 20M antenna, people then added antenna system tuning units to the bottom of the feeder and loaded it up on other bands. There was a design of a doublet that was based upon the G5RV which attempted to improve the design for a variety of different HF bands. An article was printed in a copy of RadCom in 1993 and was written by ZS6BKW (G0GSF). The other problem with the G5RV is that people change the design and call their antennas a “half size” or “double” G5RV when really what they've made is a doublet fed with open wire feeder.
Letter to captain of the vessel at sea
“I would be attempting to make contact with other licensed amateur radio operators. A typical contact would involve exchanging callsigns, names, locations, reports on the quality and strength of the signals, information about the equipment and antennas in use, and perhaps a brief chat about some inconsequential topic such as the weather.”
“Amateur radio is a heavily regulated technical hobby - broadcasting of music or other programming such as you would hear on a standard radio station such as BBC is not permitted, and controversial topics such as politics and religion are not discussed”
The captain is responsible for any transmissions made from the vessel, so you need to convince them that you're not going to do anything that would reflect badly on them - hence I would go for a very upfront description like that
BPQ settings for HF
;********** Port 1 ********** PORT PORTNUM=1 ; Port number ID=7.052 MHz 300 bps ; PORTS command text TYPE=ASYNC ; RS232 connection COMPORT=/dev/ttyACM0 ; Serial port SPEED=57600 ; Serial port speed PROTOCOL=KISS ; KISS protocol KISSOPTIONS=ACKMODE ; KISS options for TNC CHANNEL=A ; TNC channel MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames FRACK=7000 ; Level 2 timeout (ms) RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ACK (ms) RETRIES=10 ; Level 2 max retries PACLEN=40 ; Max packet length (bytes) TXDELAY=500 ; Transmit keyup delay (ms) SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer (ms) PERSIST=64 ; Persistence (256/(# transmissions-1) DIGIFLAG=0 ; Allow Digipeat on this port QUALITY=191 MINQUAL=20 ENDPORT
PORTNUM=2 ; Port number ID=NinoTNC VHF 144.950 1200bps ; PORTS command text TYPE=ASYNC ; RS232 connection COMPORT=/dev/ttyACM0 ; Serial port SPEED=57600 ; Serial port speed PROTOCOL=KISS ; KISS protocol KISSOPTIONS=ACKMODE ; KISS options for TNC CHANNEL=A ; TNC channel MAXFRAME=4 ; Max outstanding frames FRACK=7000 ; Level 2 timeout (ms) RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ACK (ms) RETRIES=6 ; Level 2 max retries PACLEN=250 ; Max packet length (bytes) TXDELAY=500 ; Transmit keyup delay (ms) SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer (ms) PERSIST=64 ; Persistence (256/(# transmissions-1)
Software to program scanner
ARC125 Windows programming and control software for Uniden UBC125XLT / AE125H / BC125AT / BC126AT scanners
SOTA is fairly simple arrangement. Best way to do it first time is to go with someone who's done it before. Find hill that you can climb with your ability level. Create SOTA account at Find out if you need VHF or HF radio. You cannot use repeaters so you need direct contact. Most people seem to use VHF and have HF backup. Make sure you are safe. Weather is good and you are prepared for climb. Figure out how are you going to log contacts, paper, mobile. Charge batteries. Don't forget microphone (ask me how I know). Make a list of things you do not want to forget. Think what antenna you are going to use.
On the day: Make sure you are safe Take radios up the hill. Make sure general public is safe with your antenna system. Call: CQ SOTA CQ SOTA, CQ Summits on the air. Wait. Make contacts. Spot yourself on the App or ask others to spot you on the app. Get ready for a pileup. Deal with the pileup. Descend. Log activation on Profit :D
So to complete the experiment. We were trying with @Ben - EI9IUB - IO63fj to run 9k6 IL2P at 12kHz ( @Ben - EI9IUB - IO63fj hope it was 12.5kHz ) and we had some success. 30W over 40km (with a hill in the way) with 11.7dB gain and 15m or so heliax coax. Sometimes it just worked and sometimes it was really bad. All in all marginal. DEV was nearly all the way up on NinoTNC. TXDELAY was in 3rd quarter. We were using Motorola GM360 with SQL on.
Very happy to see you. GB7RDG is at 7052.75 kHz (7051.25 USB dial for NinoTNC), mode is QPSK600 IL2P+CRC. NET/ROM enabled, please keep nodes broadcasts short, i.e. MINQUAL set high GB7IOW is in its usual spot.