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National Packet Update - July 2023


Welcome to the latest edition of the National Packet Update, where we strive to collate updates on our endeavors to increase packet radio usage and expand its coverage in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and beyond.

When I started thinking about this months update a couple of weeks ago I thought it was going to be a brief one, but since then at least 5 packet NoVs have been applied for, and 150+ NinoTNC kits have been carefully kitted up, shipped out and the recipients are starting to assemble them. A big thank you to the team that meticulously put them together. When the previous batch of ~50 got sent out at the start of the year there was a big surge in interest, so we can only assume it'll be threefold this time around with more nodes and users popping up.


Things have been busy in the South West, with Marc MW0NXT and John G4OTJ having both been granted NoVs for a directional link between their nodes in Wenvoe, Wales and Farmborough, England. Kevin M0AHN has also applied for NoV for MB7NEX in Exmouth, and Jules G0NZO for MB7NSC on Bell Hill, Dorset.

In the South East, Matthew G7HMV has been granted an NoV for MB7NHA in Harpenden on 144.950 and initial testing shows a good link to MB7NGP in East London and potentially 2E0SIP in Watford. It's also hoped it may link to Milton Keynes in the future. M0NCW's node near Aylesbury has been moved to 144.9375 to link GB7NMK in Milton Keynes and GB7WOD in Reading. Linking the two gives us an RF only path from Milton Keynes all the way to the Isle of Wight which is likely the furthest path since the original packet networks started to die out.

In London, Szymon M0GZP recently raised his antenna and can now reach Matthew 2E0SIP in Watford. Simon M0GZP and Matthew 2E0SIP also presented a talk on packet radio to the Radio Society of Harrow which was well attended, and will hopefully inspire some more radio amateurs to start getting involved with packet in the local area.

Activity in Ireland continues to increase around Vic EI5IYB near Rathangan and Ben EI9IUB near Kilbeggan, with more stations using packet and more planned for the near future.

Online, Kevin M0AHN delivered an excellent talk on his adventures with New Packet Radio to OARC members which some sparked some interesting conversations and hopes for the future.

How to get involved

  • Join the OARC Discord server ( and visit the #national-packet-project channel.
  • Join the UK Packet Radio mailing list:
  • Visit for further information, tutorials, and more. (Please note that this page is a work in progress, just like this project!)
  • Build a node and get it on the air, or try connecting to any of the existing nodes.
  • Stay tuned for future updates on the progress.
national_packet_update_jul_23.1688456669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/04 07:44 by 2e0sip