XRouter Tour - MQTT API

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XRouter includes an MQTT client and an MQTT broker, both of which could be used for providing future Sysop and/or user interfaces. A proof of concept has been done, but it needs someone with vision and creativity to develop this further.

Consider XRouter to be just a multi-protocol “Packet Engine”, and provide your own control interface, as “modern” as you like.

The point of this is to decouple the data from its presentation, allowing yet-to-be-written applications to obtain, format and present data in whatever form they wish.

Using MQTT, you can inject and/or extract data at each ISO layer, and receive event notifications. This can be done via XRouter's own broker, or the client can send the data to an external broker. For the proof of concept experiments, XRouter pushed the data to a public broker, and the user interface was in another country. This is the browser-based chat section of that demo, written by Mitch AB4MW…

Want to see the raw KISS data from one of XRouter's interfaces? No problem, just subscribe to “xrouter/kiss/{nodecall}/rcvd/{ifacenum}”. Want to send a chat message? Simply send it to the topic “xrouter/put/{nodecall}/chat”. Want to get a nodes list? Use the topic “xrouter/get/{nodecall}/nodes”.

(to be continued)

Next: Telnet Interfaces

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