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Online Amateur Radio Community Events

Welcome to the Online Amateur Radio Community!

There are two ways you can enjoy our events. Members can take part in events on Zoom. Visitors are welcome to watch our YouTube LiveStream and comment in the chat. Although we monitor chat, please note live streams have about a minute delay.

Our community is free to join, it is built on the community platform Discord. We offer a club without a committee, built and run by it's members for it's members. Rooms are open 24/7, we have specialist chat, training at all levels, we are associated with the RSGB and provide their Brickworks scheme.

We host regular events, both social and structured on Zoom.

While we know that using a new platform like Discord can take some time to learn, we believe what we have is well worth it. We hope, by providing our events on YouTube, you can get a taste of what our community is all about.

Next Event

Title: An Introduction to the Automatic Packet Reporting System (ARPS)
Start: 16th March 2023 20:00GMT


Presenter: Matthew 2E0SIP

Whether you're a seasoned amateur radio operator or just starting out, this event is for you. Join us as Matthew covers the basics of APRS, including what it is, how to use paths, and how to send APRS messages while on the go. You'll also learn about setting up iGates and Digipeaters.

How to Watch Events on YouTube

A link will be manually posted around 5 minutes before the event starts. Please refresh this page closer to the time.
Alternatively, you can subscribe to our youtube channel and “ring the bell” to be notified when streams start

Link: to follow

Take Part in Our Event

All members can join in community events. Membership is free! Zoom links are posted on our community discord server #notice-board.
To find out more visit:

events.1678444236.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/10 10:30 by m0smu