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Introduction to Slow to Medium Morse Net

Watch Net Controllers Colin GM4JPZ & Michael GM5AUG give a brief overview of the OARC Slow to Medium Morse Net

PLEASE NOTE - the frequency is no longer 7066kHz but 7016kHz. See information below. We are in the process of correcting the video.

Slow to Medium Speed CW Net Format

Compared to a voice Net, a CW Net may seem a bit more formal or structured. CW Nets need a structure to ensure that all callers, however experienced or otherwise they are at CW, are able to enter in to proceedings - the Net is designed to give people a chance to operate CW even if they've never done it before, doing so in front of a sympathetic audience. Because of this, we have created this Net Format which we'll follow for our Slow to Medium Speed Nets on a Monday evening. Please be sure to either have a copy in front of you, or print it off, before calling in.

Net Details

Details of the OARC S2MS Net are below:

  • QTR (Time and Date) - Mondays at 1900 local time.
  • QRG (Frequency) - see ROTA for Freq. Please listen carefully as, if the frequency is in use, the Net Control will send something like 'UP 3' or 'DOWN 2', which indicates how many kHz up or down callers should move to tune in to the Net.
  • QRS/QRO (Speed) - Up to 15wpm, but the Net Controller will reply at the speed each Net member sends at.
  • Net Controller - To begin with, either Colin GM4JPZ or Michael GM5AUG, using the OARC Club callsign MS0OUK.
    • Callsigns used if Net Control is in other parts of UK will be:- MX0OUK (England), MP0OUK (Guernsey), MT0OUK (Isle of Man), MH0OUK (Jersey), MN0OUK (Northern Ireland), MS0OUK (Scotland) or MC0OUK (Wales)
  • Facilitator - Paul M0TZO on Discord (not Morse proficient, but can sort events, calendar, etc).

Calendar / Rota

If you are proficient at Morse and would like to be an OARC Slow to Medium Speed CW Net Operator, please let Michael GM5AUG know on Discord.

Date OARC Callsign Operator Freq Notes
Monday 22/05/2023 19:00 UK MS0OUK GM4JPZ 7066kHz (+/- to allow for QRM) -
Monday 29/05/2023 19:00 UK MS0OUK GM4JPZ 7016kHz (+/- to allow for QRM) -
Monday 05/06/2023 19:00 UK MS0OUK GM5AUG 7016kHz (+/- to allow for QRM) -
Monday 12/06/2023 19:00 UK MS0OUK GM5AUG 7016kHz (+/- to allow for QRM) -


1 - Net Control will call “QRL?” on the dot of 1900.

2 - If frequency is free, Net Control will call “CQ CQ CQ OARC CQ CQ CQ OARC DE MS0OUK PSE K”.

3 - Stations call and send their callsigns twice.

4 - If Net Control hears partial callsign, he will respond “ABC? KN”.

5 - Only the station whose callsign contains ABC will send their full callsign twice. All other callers please stand by.

6 - Net Control will reply to the caller, “M1ABC DE MS0OUK = GE ES WELCOME TO OARC S2MS NET = OP COLIN [or MIKE] ES QTH DUNDEE [or GLASGOW] = UR RST 599 = HW CPI? M1ABC DE MS0OUK AR KN”.

7 - The caller responds, “MS0OUK DE M1ABC GE COLIN [or MIKE] TNX FER RPT UR RST 599 OP [Name twice] ES QTH [Location twice] HW CPI? MS0OUK DE M1ABC AR KN”.

8 - Net Control replies, “M1ABC DE MS0OUK = RR DR OM [Name] TNX FER QSO = 73 ES HPE CU AGN =“, before calling “QRZ?”

9 - Move back to stage 3.

10 - If, after calling “QRZ?”, Net Control hears no other callers, he will send “MS0OUK QRT AR SK”.

NOTE - After you have made your QSO with the Net Controller, why not join us on 7.130 +/- for a Post-CW SSB chat?

Signal Reports - we have written 599 in the example above to make life easier for those who are just starting out. However, if the Net Controller is not 599 to you, and you want to give him an accurate RST, please do so!

Morse Code Glossary

Morse Code uses lots of abbreviations to get messages across in the speediest way possible. To help you, both on the Net, and in other CW Contacts, GM4JPZ and GM5AUG have created this Glossary of frequently used abbreviations and Q-codes. If you spot any we've missed, please add them!

Jargon or Terms used in Amateur Radio

In Amateur Radio we make use of many Q-codes. Most of these Q codes can be used as a question or a statement.

Jargon Meaning
Net A group of operators joining in a conversation with each other under the control of a lead station (Net Control).
Net Control Similar to the Speaker in parliament, the station which everyone goes through to communicate with the rest of the group. In the case of S2MS, the Net Control is MS0OUK (currently either Colin or Michael)
19.00 local The time in general use by people in the country, in other words BST at the moment of writing; NOT GMT unless it is in winter.
Slow to Medium Speed Morse Normally would mean between 10wpm to 15wpm, but slower is of course allowed. Net Control will reply at the speed you send, so be sure to send at a speed you're comfortable receiving at.
wpm Words per minute (calculated using the non-random word PARIS).
QRG What is your/my Frequency? Your frequency is…
QTH What is the location of your station? My location is…
QRZ Who is calling me?
QRO Shall I send with more power? I am using more power.
QRP Shall I send with less power? I am using less power.
QRM Are you struggling with interference? I am struggling with interference.
QRT Shall I shut down my station? I am shutting down my station.
QSO Two-way conversation on the radio
QRL Is this frequency in use? This frequency is in use.
Prosign Two letters sent together with no space between to communicate a meaning. These are written as two capital letters (ie AR) with a line or bar across the top. In this Wiki we cannot use overlines, so instead are underlining and emphasising prosigns.

There are lots more Q codes that are not covered in this short glossary. Further information can be found by clicking here.

Commonly Used Morse Terms or Prosigns

Term Meaning
AR (DI DAH DI DAH DIT) - End of transmission
K Listening for any station that is calling me
KN Listening only for the station I am in contact with
SK (DI DI DI DAH DI DAH) - End of this QSO
BK Note, not a prosign as letters are sent separately. This originally meant “break” but is now used to mean “back over to you” to tell the other person to carry on without giving full callsign information.
GE Good evening
GM Good morning
ES And
UR Your
RST Readability, strength, tone (e.g. 599)
HW CPI? How do you copy me?
PSE Please
FB Fine business - very good
DR OM Dear Old Man - a bit archaic perhaps, but still widely used
OP Operator (name)
WX Weather
TU or TNX Thank you or Thanks
= (DAH DI DI DI DAH) - either used as an equals sign, or as a form of grammar to divide parts of a message.

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morse/netprotocol.1686564332.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/12 10:05 by gm5aug