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Building a packet user station

A “User” is someone that temporarily connects to their local packet node, interacts with the node to send mail for example, and then disconnects. When they're not using the radio for packet they might use it for something else.


To start using packet you will need an FM radio of some description. Most user traffic will probably be on the 2 metre band.

We've started compiling a list of suitable radios and instructions to interface them here - packet:transceivers

Note unfortunately that due to poor turnaround times, cheaper radios such as Baofengs and the like probably won't be suitable, however suitable radios can be picked up at rallies for as little as £5.



If you're using a KISS TNC such as the NinoTNC, you will need a Packet Terminal. See QtTermTCP

If you're using a Sound Interface, you will need a Software Modem. See QtSoundModem



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packet/being_a_user.1686413719.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/10 16:15 by 2e0sip