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BPQ32 is node software which is current and maintained. There are Linux and Windows versions; the Linux version is known as LinBPQ.

LinBPQ is a highly configurable and flexible piece of software - this makes it fairly complex.

A BPQ node offers standard applications for chat and mailbox (BBS) and can be extended to support custom applications. Here is a guide for adding a custom application to a BPQ node.

Our guide to installing a LinBPQ node on a Debian-like OS is here: linbpq-apt-installation

BPQ Configuration

Here are some miscellaneous hints and tips on BPQ configuration.

'NODE' and node 'HELP' commands

To help new (packet) users when connecting to your node, you can offer a description of your set-up under the node 'info' command. Likewise a node'help' file can also be quite useful.

Your installation/variant of BPQ may or may not arrive with any of these files. Mine didn't!


Typical contents could be:

A welcome message
Your ID - GB7XXX (+SSID) for your node -Your locator
Other SSIDs accessible on your node
Your ports
Your BPQ version and machine it is hosted on

Create a .txt file into your BPQ host folder and save it as 'INFO.txt'


Like the INFO file, above. Create a .txt file countaining virtually anything you wish (but not too long!) into your BPQ host folder called 'NodeHelp.txt'

After all this, restart BPQ. Good luck!

packet/bpq.1697037954.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/11 15:25 by m0lte