This is an old revision of the document!
Table of Contents
- AMSAT-UK Operating Through Amateur Radio Satellites.
- RAYNET-UK Is the UK’s National Voluntary Communications Service Provided for the Community by Licensed Radio Amateurs.
- UK Microwave group UK Amateur Radio Microwave Group.
- GQRP Club Low Power Operation.
- CW Club Supports The Use, Preservation and Education of Morse Code.
Local Club Recommendations
- Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society - Recommended by M0UKF
- Hog's Back Amateur Radio Club - Recommended by M5ET
- Cambridge Hams - Recommended by M5ET
- Thornbury & South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club - Recommended by MW0RZS
- Whitton Amateur Radio Group - Recommended by Paul M0TZO
- South Yorkshire - Recommended by Andy G1AW
- Stirling and District Amateur Radio Society - Recommended by 2M0OCC
- Southdown Amateur Radio Society - Recommended by Phil M7ANW
RSGB Facebook Regions
Log books
- Cloudlog - Self hosted Logbook PHP MySQL Cloud Open Source Free Subscription
- Online ARC members can request hosted Cloudlog on Discord Server
- Log4OM - Fully featured log book software Windows Proprietary Free
- Swisslog - Fully Featured and Well Integrated Logbook. Features Digimode and CW Interfaces. Windows Proprietary Free
- CQRLOG for Linux - CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL database.
Online Radio
- Zello Push to talk walkie talkie app - Can be Linked to your rig with an adapter Cloud Proprietary Freemium
- Echolink Amateur Radio Over IP. Access to Repeaters and Nets Windows Propietary Free
- Web SDR Web based Software Defined Radio List.
- QO-100 WebSDR QO-100 narrow band SDR
Digital Radio
Data Modes
Data Modes Software
Morse Code
- Morse - CW/Morse stuff has own page
Raspberry Pi
O2 Joggler
Other links
- EZNEC - Antenna analysis / modelling software by Roy Lewallen W7EL
- MMANA-GAL - Antenna-analyzing tool by Alexandre Schewelew, DL1PBD,
- LevineCentral - Gridsquares - Find Gridsquares from Callsigns.
- Azimuth maps A maps of locations with your QTH at the centre.
- Every Circuit Create, simulate, share, and explore electronic circuits!.
- HamAlert - Alerts from various sources to apps, email, etc.
- Blitzortung - Network for Lightning and Thunderstorms in Real Time.
- SolderSmoke (Book) - Global Adventures in Wireless Electronics by Bill Meara N2CQR.
- - Twitter like federated social media network for Ham Radio.
- Linux User Net Linux and Amateur Radio site and podcast.
- PropQuest Live HF propagation.
- HEMA - Humps Excluding Marilyns Award.
- SOTA - Summits On The Air.
- Build it - 2m yagi 144MHz Portable Yagi VHF Beam Antenna.
- Aircraft Scatter Aircraft scatter software that uses live aircraft data to predict the ability to relay contacts over UHF over a long distance by bouncing signals off aircraft.
- Aluminium Warehouse – All kind of materials and shapes it is good to build things, like antennas.
- Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications – Vast repository of materials and collections related to radio and communications
- Netfinder The definitive net directory for Ham Radio and SWL enthusiasts
- Minimalist QRP Book by IZ3AYQ This book aims to collect and share knowledge related to the art of QRP
- QRM Finding Youtube Playlist – Tracking and eliminating sources of QRM by Ian Miles G0CNN
UK Ham Radio Stores
Physical Store
Classified Advert sites
usefullinks.1708468580.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/20 22:36 by gi3jmc