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XRouter Tour - Sysop Interface #3 - Legacy HTML

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XRouter includes a general-purpose web server, which has a few inbuilt pages for sysop access. Some of these are positively pre-historic, dating back to the 1990s. For example this default page is displayed if you don't supply your own index.htm…

Pre-historic it may be, but the point is, it is low-bandwidth, intended for HTTP over radio experiments.

Clicking “nodes” brings up the following page. Clicking on one of the hyperlinked nodes takes you to that node's web server.

In the following example we we have clicked on HAMLET:G7VJA-5 and we can see that he has installed an alternative index.htm page…

Heres another example, by K5DAT…

The creativity is up to you. I've seen some very good examples - this isn't one of them :-)

The legacy / low-bandwidth HTML interface is read-only by default, and open to everyone on Packet. However, there was originally a Java applet (remember those!) which allowed command-line access via the browser.

Next, we'll look at the more modern "full fat" HTML interface

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packet/xrouter/htmlinfopage.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/22 02:29 by g8pzt