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Radio choices for SOTA expeditions

To be completed


2m FM is the most common choice for this section, but anything can be made to work and if you let people know in advance they can be ready to chase you once you are at the summit.


Handhelds are a great choice for starting out because they are light and have fewer bits and connections to be forgotten or lost. They tend to be lower power, but the extra height provided by the summit, especially when the other person is also on a summit is very helpful at getting your signal out. Combined with a bigger antenna, these are a great way to activate a summit.

  • Yeasu FT-4x is small, light dual band analogue radio.
  • Anytone 868/878/etc. Dual band analogue and DMR radio. Good battery life. Up to 7.5W output.

Base Radios


  • QRP Radios
  • Larger mobile radios


A slim jim is a small, robust, roll up antenna that can be bought ready made or easily home made from ladder line, a length of coax and a connector for your radio. The default velocity factor on the calculator page is for bare copper which is too high for insulated ladder line. 0.8 to 0.89 is a closer estimate. The feed point can be weak so either make sure it is aligned with the centre support material or don't strip the insulation completely. Combined with an collapsible pole that can be strapped to a fencepost or supported on a ground spike makes an effective, though single-band, antenna setup.

oarc-sota-day-radios.1653834153.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/29 14:22 by 2m0pvp