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Radio choices for SOTA expeditions
To be completed
2m FM is the most common choice for this section, but anything can be made to work and if you let people know in advance they can be ready to chase you once you are at the summit.
Handhelds are a great choice for starting out because they are light and have fewer bits and connections to be forgotten or lost. They tend to be lower power, but the extra height provided by the summit - especially when the other person is also on a summit - is very helpful at getting your signal out. Combined with a bigger antenna these are a great way to activate a summit.
- Yaesu FT-4x is small, light, dual band analogue radio.
- Anytone 868/878/etc. Dual band analogue and DMR radio. Good battery life. Up to 7.5W output.
Base Radios
Need something here on VHF/UHF base or car/mobile type kit of the 25-50W variety.
- QRP Radios
- Larger mobile radios
QRP Radios
Many SOTA operators like to keep their deployments light and simple to setup, especially if going on an extended trip. For this reason tiny QRP CW radios are quite popular. There are many available, from professional units costing many hundreds of pounds to DIY kits costing as little as 50-60 pounds, and whatever you pick will usually put out around 5 Watts.
- List of suggested models here