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OARC SOTA Activity Day - 8th July 2023


This came about originally because I wanted an RSGB Brickworks point for organising a club meeting or event. I toyed with a few ideas but it seemed like the easiest thing to do was to arrange a Summits on the Air day for those of us who like to do such things. It was easier than arranging a detailed programme for an evening activity and any tuition required. We completed this in 2022 and I’ve decided to do it again in 2023!

The idea is that a bunch of OARCers will all just pile up to the top of some SOTA peaks and try to contact each other on the bands, as well as talking to other chasers and hopefully promoting OARC to the wider amateur radio community. We’ll have an S2S party, meaning “summit-to-summit” - extra points are scored for these kinds of contacts.

Please try and promote OARC on the air, but please also don’t spam folk with it. Mostly try and have fun and score some lovely points!

We'll be targeting the same dates as the SOTA Ireland Association's Activity Weekend for this so that there'll be lots of us on the air. Most of them will be out on Saturday we think, so I've picked that for our day of fun. If you’re an OARC member and you want to take part just edit the wiki and stick yourself on the list. If you don’t have access let me know on Discord and I can add you myself.

Mark - 2M0IIG

  • Date: 8th July 2023.
  • Time: Aim to arrive on peaks at around 11am UTC/12pm U.K. and operate for a few hours at least on all bands.
  • Bands and Modes: The usual ones: 2M, 10M, 12M, 15M, 17M, 20M, 40M depending on individual activator and gear. If people want to do exotic bands/data modes or anything else that is also absolutely fine!
  • Choose a summit: The SOTLAS website is useful to see what summits are located near you. We’ll have an interactive map linked here soon so you can see everyone else (also embedded at the bottom of the page).
  • Post an alert on SOTAWatch: If you post your trip itinerary in advance on SOTAWatch it will let folk prepare for it and be waiting for you when you get set up on your summit. See the Activity Plan link below for more details.

More Information

The links below contain some useful information on how to plan for your visit and what equipment to bring, plus advice on scoring and logging and how to document your day in a pleasing and informative manner.

  • What should I take? - if this is your first time doing SOTA (or you’re returning after a time away) have a read of this for some help on what to bring. You’ll find info on radios and antennas, plus a section on power. There’s also a link to some info on PPE for the day.
  • Activity plan for the day - some guidance on how to make things work well with so many stations out and about, as well as info on how to make sure you get lots of QSOs. If you want to borrow a club callsign then that’s in here too.
  • SOTA Exchange, Scoring and Logging - if you plan on logging your QSOs for valuable SOTA points these tips will get you started. You’ll also find out information on what details you need to exchange during a SOTA QSO.
  • Writing an Activation Report - document your day by writing about your trip. Photos are encouraged!

Planned Activations

Add your name to the wiki to mark your intentions for the day here.

Name/Callsign Summit Name Summit Ref Bands/Modes Plan
Mark 2M0IIG Allermuir Hill GM/SS-171 2m FM/DMR, 40-10 CW/SSB
Nathan 2M0OCC Ben Ledi GM/SS-023 2m FM
Chris MM0UHR Arthur's Seat GM/SS-272 2m/70cm FM/DMR voice/sstv
Gavin G5HOW Bardon Hill G/CE-004 2m FM/SSB, 40/20/15/10m CW/SSB
Dennis G5NLD Bardon Hill G/CE-004 2m FM, 40/20/15/10m CW/SSB
Steve M1SDH Win Green G/SC-008 2m/70cm FM, 40/20m SSB
Lukasz MM0OKO Ben Lomond GM/SS-011 2m FM/SSTV, 40/20/15/10m SSB
Mike GM4YMI Meall a'Bhuachaille GM/ES-027 2m FM, 40/20/15/10m SSB
Rich M7GET Leith Hill G/SE-002 2m/70 cm FM, PMR 446, voice, SSTV, Hell, OFDM modes ++
Stuart MM7SHX Meall Mor GM/CS-109 2m FM / DMR, 20m SSB, 40 SSB
Chris MM7DVZ Duncolm GM/SS-222 2m FM
Jared MW7JFJ 0900Z Black Mountain, 1130Z Waun Fech, 1300Z Mynydd Troed GW/SW-041, GW/SW-002, GW/SW-009 2m FM


oarc-sota-day.1688465571.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/04 10:12 by mm7shx