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Worked All OARC Nets

EMF Camp net #001

Saturday 1st June 2024from 7pm on

OARC SOTA Day - Net #002

McMichael Meetup 2024 #003

POTA Support Your Parks Weekend - NET #004

Saturday 20th July - Get out and activate a park…or hunt from home. More details on Discord

POTA Support Your Parks - NET #005

Sunday 21st July - Get out and activate a park…or hunt from home. More details on Discord

===== NET #006 ===== Details coming shortly ===== NET #007 ===== Details coming shortly ===== NET #008 ===== Details coming shortly ===== NET #009 ===== Details coming shortly

NET #010

40m SSB net 13/6/2024 7pm - 8pm BST

Controller: M0NVK Eoin


  • 2E0UDK Davron
  • M0LTE Tom
  • EI3JDB Simon
  • EI5IYB Vic
  • G5DSG Dan
  • 2M0MQN Mike
  • EI2JVB Joe
  • G4MZN Mark
  • PD2SEM Wilhelm
  • M0XLZ Simon
  • G3VOT George
  • PD0PE Perry

===== NET #011 - 031 ===== Details coming shortly

NET #032

Echo Beach - A lazy Seaside Saturday morning net

WAOARC Controller: Rich - M7GET

Saturday August 17th @ 0900 BST on GB3FC-R (Blackpool-Echolink), also as GB3FC (RF) & 565456 (Allstar)

Net starts @ 0900 hrs BST. Let's do some initial check-in. We will go in the loop in order of check-in but leave pauses for stragglers. We will welcome anyone wishing to join even if they're not part of OARC. Feel free to spread the word to other OARCers.

GB3FC connects to some other repeaters also, so join via those if you wish.

waoarc2024.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/13 22:28 by m7get