Packet Radio Software
This page aims to index (and where possible, link to) Packet Radio software in a central place.
- QtSoundModem - A software KISS and AGW TNC which uses sound cards and GPIO/Serial to interface with radios
- UZ7HO SoundModem - The original, windows-only predecessor of QtSoundModem
- QtTermTCP - A BPQ connection client with KISS/AGW multi-session terminal client
- BPQ32 / LinBPQ - A packet station BBS for Windows and Linux respectively
- - G7TAJ's useful scripts and programs for LinBPQ - 7Plus / Multi & BayCom pi driver
- Direwolf - A software KISS and AGW TNC which uses sound cards and GPIO/Serial to interface with radios
- KISSet A terminal program for connecting to TNCs that only support KISS
- FBB - BBS software
- WinPack, written by Roger Barker, G4IDE/SK, is a Windows-based packet terminal program
- WINTNC is a Windows multiuser/multitasking multiport Packet Terminal Driver program for use with multiple KISS modems or software modems using the AGWPE interface
- EasyTerm - Windows based terminal client using AGW. Can also collect mail for other users and broadcast “mail for”.
- AGW Packet Engine (AGWPE) and AGWTermTCP - Among other things, lets you expose a TNC from a com port in Windows over a TCP port, which AGWTermTCP can then use as a terminal
- Outpost - Windows packet mail client
- JNOS - Router for ax.25, netrom, and ip protocols, including packet node functionality, bbs, personal mailbox system, convers server, and a variety of tcp services and ax.25 tunnels
packet/software.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 10:09 by g7taj